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We went TO MARS AND BEYOND and had a BLAST!

Glory to God! Our second Redeemer VBS was a phenomenal success! We took off at full speed and our student voyagers learned about going beyond with Faith, Kindness, Thankfulness, and Hope. We maneuvered our way through different passages and found that God really does go far beyond what we could ask or imagine by His power at work within us (which was our power launcher verse – Ephesians 3:20). Our voyagers learned new space songs, ate meteor-ific meals, conducted some mind-blowing
science experiments, and commemorated the 50th anniversary of the moon landing! We even got to help Mission Commander Woody fill the space station fuel meter to 100% right before celebrating with an out of this world glow party!

Our voyagers also learned about how in a galaxy not-so-far-away, other children are not as fortunate as them. They raised $500 for a clean water project in Tanzania and also made 45 school supplies bags for children in Staten Island. God’s love and provision is not for us to keep to ourselves, but to share with all our brothers and sisters.

We want to extend a whole hearted thank you to the children, parents, Jaisen Achen and Sherin Kochamma, directors Christina and Liza, Superintendent Reny, and every single volunteer for making
this an astronomical VBS! We hope everyone experienced the love of God and the warmth of the Redeemer family. We cannot wait to see what adventure we go on next year! Hope to see you all again!

RASA Mission Control, over and out.

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